Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sixth Post: Duck Fois Gras

Bonjour mes amis!

I am finally in France. After a hellatious adventure to get to Chelles, France I have finally managed to have myself a good meal and a good bottle of wine. I was in the Charles de Gaulle airport for about 2 hours trying to locate my baggage and because I thought they had lost it, I booked a hotel in Paris so they could ship it. Even though the hotel isn't in France, I managed to have an amazing meal at the restaurant that is attached to where I'm staying.

Un plat du jambon
There was a think cut, salami, prosciutto, and a deli cut of ham with butter and pickles

Plat Principal:
Duck Fois Gras avec les harictos verts
This duck is cooked in its own fat and is served with green beans (haricots verts). Tres magnifique! This was by far the best meal I have ever had.

Le dessert:
J'ai un sorbet. I had a strawberry sorbet that was fantastic. I assume that the whipped cream that came with it was homemade and it just oozed down my throat with a wonderful taste and texture that has never been matched by anything I've tasted in the United States.

At this hotel they don't just sell you glasses of wine, they sell you bottles. Even though I'm in France, I ordered a 2006 Rioja called VIna Lalceda and it was great! After a few glasses I became curious enough to ask if I could take the bottle to my room and if I could have glass. I can't kill an entire bottle of wine at dinner, regardless of how much I eat. So after dinner I've been sipping on wine and trying to figure out my next move. Tomorrow I will be moving to a new hotel (thanks mom and dad!) and hopefully residing closer to Paris and closer to les bars et les choses de faire. Because here there is literally nothing.

Anyway, I hope everyone who is following me on this blog is having a wonderful day. I'll post tomorrow!!

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