Thursday, June 10, 2010


This post can't be very long because I'm supposed to be getting ready for class, but I had such a good night last night!

There are 3 redheads in the group: me, Jama, and Allison. Allison doesn't drink, but Jama does and I hadn't gone out with her yet and wanted to, so I invited her to come nearer to my house and we'd troll around and find a bar to sit at. So I met her at the train station and we walked down to this place...I can't remember the name exactly but it's something like Dottie's Bar or something? Anyway it has blue lights, pictures of Snow White, Audrey Hepburn, and other things like that in it. It was also blasting really, really awesome music. So anyway we sit down and the bartender asks us what we want and I told Jama to order for me because I've never been able to order mixed drinks or anything before so she ordered me a mojito. She also paid for the first round and said I should just get the next round. So I like mojitos! I probably couldn't drink 6 of them, but I really did like them. After that I told the bartender we wanted a surprise and that he should make whatever he wanted. He made a semi-mojito but it was way sweeter and more delicious. Anyway, so that was a good night.

Yesterday I saw Notre Dame (but for some weird reason we didn't go inside?) and the Latin Quarter by a guided tour. That was really neat, we saw all the old roman roads (or at least where they had been) and we saw one of the only streets in Paris to survive "Haussmanization" which I don't want to explain, but if you're interested look up Haussman.

Anyway, I took WAY too long writing this so I'm going to go get ready for class. Hope everyone has a good day!

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