Friday, June 4, 2010

J'ai trouve la paris!!

Bonjour mes amis!

I know my last post was super whiny and for that I apologize, but honestly I felt so bad there was no way to be in a good mood, regardless of where I was. However, last night I managed to sleep through the night (thank you Tylenol PM) and I woke up this morning around 6:15. I know that's still super early, but it's better than 4! Anyway, when I woke up I decided that i felt better and I went to eat breakfast at the hotel. For around 4 euros a day you can have breakfast here, and that is significantly cheaper than anywhere else I've found. So for breakfast I had the usual French fare: a piece of toasted baguette with apricot jam, 2 cups of coffee, a cup of orange juice (I am SOO glad the french like orange juice, it's my absolute fave), and a cup of apple sauce (it may have melon in it too, i'm not sure). Honestly, if I was in the US I would eat 3 or 4 times that for breakfast, but for some reason all that is very filling and I am able to make it until about this time before I get hungry again.

Oh! The fun part of today! I found Paris. Last time I took the train I got off at Pantin (which I have discovered is NOT a nice place to be). However, this time I decided I would take the train as far as it went because it would take me to a name I sortof recognized: La gare de lazare. Now I know why I recognized the name, it's the main train station in Paris! But I still didn't know that when I got off. Anyway, I managed to wander around until I saw this CRAZY building in the distance and I started walking towards it. I ended up at la place de la concorde! That's where l'arc de triomphe is, and if you want to cross a bridge you can go to the eiffel tower! I walked through this lovely garden and saw Les Invalides, an opera house, a church (La Madeleine, I think?) and all these other super crazy buildings. After I was pooped from walking I headed back towards the train station. I stopped in a place called Quick! which is a little bit like McDonalds, to my disappointment. However, their door said free wifi and I wanted to send some emails and things so I got an espresso and sat down. I ended up staying there for about an hour and then finally went to make my way back to the train.

Anyway, the rest of it is pretty boring, but I made it back to my hotel in Rosny-sous-bois and am chilling my bottle of Gewurztraminer in the bathroom sink because they don't have an ice machine here. WIN! I hope everyone is doing well. Send me an email if you want! I'll respond as soon as I get it!

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