Friday, June 25, 2010

Live off the wall.

What a great conclusion to a great trip.

Tonight I went with Kathryn, Jen, Rebecca, Allison, Jama, Jen's mom, and Jen's mom's best friend to eat crepes and reminisce about our trip. We ended up right next to the Tuilerie gardens at a random little cafe. We wanted to go to Angelina's, but unfortunately it was closed tonight. Anyway, we all had a drink and ate our crepes and sat and talked about our crazy metro stories, along with all of our just in general crazy stories. It made for such a nostalgic time. I really am glad that I had the guts to come overseas to study abroad, even though I knew I would miss Colin like crazy. I knew I would make it and I've actually done more than that. I've learned a lot about myself and have met people I never would have met had I not come on this trip with them. I really have had a magical time.

HOWEVER, let me just list a few things that I'm going to do when I get back to the states.
1) Give Colin and bbbiiiggggg hug and kiss when I see him in Atlanta.
2) Turn on the air conditioning to the point where my eyelashes freeze.
3) Drive my car and decide when and where I want to be and not rely on other people/methods of transportation to get me there.
4) Enhance my personal space bubble. (I want no one to touch me for at least a week when I get back.)
5) NOT get on a metro for a good solid year.
6) Not spend any money.
7) WORK.
8) Cook some good ol' American food.
9) Say hello to my fish.
10) Go to USI motors and laugh at them because I've seen way more fancy cars than they could ever imagine having in their lot.

Woo. I'm pretty sure there are about 049823420934 other things I will do when I get back, but those are all that I can think of right now.

The next time I post I will either be a) waiting in the airport, or b) back in Knoxville! I'll probably try to keep up my blog for another week or so just to let everyone know how I'm getting over the jetlag.


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