Thursday, June 17, 2010

Academie de la biere

So I didn't post yesterday, but my teacher is killing me with stupid homework and tests to study for every single night, so I didn't have time.

Yesterday I went to lunch at this weird pasta place. They serve you your pasta in a box with a dessert and a drink for 4.9 euro. I chose the pasta with the bolognese sauce which ended up not being that great and it's still messing with my stomach today, but the cookie and orangina I had were awesome! After that we went to this bar to have a glass of wine but somehow the patron thought we meant we wanted a bottle? So we downed a bottle of wine and then headed off to the catacombs to meet up with the group. The catacombs are absolutely a must-see in Paris. There's a huge history behind them but essentially they were built to prevent the original burial sites of all these bodies from oozing into the basements of the houses of Paris. Sick, huh? However, it's really neat. The government moved all of these bones to these old limestone quarries and they're still there. How sweet! So anyway, we walked around these crazy catacombs for about an hour and then a huge group of us went to and have a drink and dessert before we wandered off to the professor's house for a conversation over wine and cheese. So anyway, after the professor's house Kathryn and I came back for dinner at Mme Dugan's house. She made us chicken and potatoes, and for her and Kathryn she had a sour cream sauce. It was very good, and just what I needed after a day like the one I had.

This morning again I headed to class with Kathryn. We talked about a really interesting topic today: family and sexuality. It was different than any other classes because everyone (of course) has an opinion about stuff like that. It was a very interesting and involved conversation. After class a few girls left to go to Euro Disney, but I chose to remain behind and hang out with the group. We ate lunch at the Academie de la Biere (Academy of Beer) again. I had a different kind of mussels, they were in a sauce made from Gueuze (a weird type of beer) and they were FANTASTIC. After lunch I decided to go shopping with Jama and Allison (the Ginger Club), because I needed a small duffel bag to both carry with me to Normandie, and also to tote all of my souvenirs back to the States on the plane. Anyway, I ended up with a really cute dress for 29 euro and a cute, trendy duffel that was also 29 euro. I was very proud of my purchases today.

So, the best part of my day is that it's almost my birthday!!! I'll be 21 tonight at midnight!!! In the states it will be 6 PM so please call me and say happy birthday!!!

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