Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Full days in Paris!

Oh my goodness, these past 2 days have been crazy. On Monday I went to class in the morning and then afterwards I went to lunch with Kathryn, and two other girls. I ate an entire pizza (I mean it was WAAAYYY tinier than any other pizza in the United States, and it was significantly less greasy than any pizza I'd ever had) but anyway, it had ham and mushrooms on it along with some sort of white cheese and a really thin crust. I had a "pichet" of red wine and a fruit salad for dessert also. After that us four girls started on a walking tour around Paris. Let me tell you, we ended up in a crazy zoo! I saw in this guide that we were given at the ISA orientation about a UNICORN FOREST and I was trying to find it. However, au lieu of that we found a "menagerie" full of very, very weird animals. I have never before seen squirrels and raccoons in a zoo, other than them running rampant, but I guess in France the squirrels are different than in the United States, and there aren't any raccoons here. So weird. Also, if you've never heard of a Takin, look it up. That is the coolest animal I've ever seen, not to mention it burps at you about every minute and a half.

For dinner last night Mme Dugan prepared us chicken with a really yummy glaze and a mixture of broccoli, sweet peas, and snap peas. Our bread last night was sourdough, and let me just say, when you buy bread fresh every day it is so much better than storing it for a long time in a plastic bag.

So on our way to class this morning my roomie saw an old man get pick-pocketed!! She said that he actually got pick-pocketed twice, that the first time the pickpocket took his phone out of his pocket, realized it was crappy, and gave it back to the old man. After that there were two pickpockets and they distracted the man and his wife and one of them unzipped the old man's camera bag and tried to take whatever out of there. AH!

Anyway, so we had class today. Romeiser let us out early, of course, and we headed to lunch. We had to go to the opposite side of the city to go to the ISA office and then head to La Flamme (which is a memorial of where Princess Diana died) which is on yet another side of the city. Our metro rides today were almost as long as the time we spent at every place we went. Anyway, we stopped for lunch at this super nice cafe and I had a salad with chicken, green beans, tomatoes, and a side of french fries. Not surprisingly, the fries here are about 32492039423948290348290384x better than the fries in the US. Also, outside of our cafe we saw a demonstration! I've heard that there were a lot in France, but this was the first one I've actually seen. It had something to do with doctors wanting to get paid more. Uhh....okay after that we went on a really really pretty boat ride down the Seine and saw (yet again) all the famous places in Paris. After that I went with Colleen to this Monet museum that's actually someone's house that is just jam-packed with tons of the most famous Monet paintings. It was really nice! Then after that we headed to the Champs-Elysees to meet up with the whole group who was down there having drinks. I sat and had a "pichet" of Beaujolais-Villages and then headed back to the house for food. Mme Dugan got (I'm not sure if she made them or not...) quiches for us and made us a salad with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese to go along with it. Tres bon diner!

Anyway, I'm still working on this ridiculous amount of homework for this class tomorrow and then I have to write my journal and all this ridiculous stuff so anyway I'm going to get off here. Bonne nuit!

1 comment:

  1. Whew - I'm tired just reading this - I'm also very jealous of the wonderful food you're eating and the fabulous sights you're seeing! Glad you're studying!
