Saturday, June 19, 2010

St Malo and Mt St Michel

Wow, what a busy past few days.

I'll start with yesterday. I had a great birthday! We rode 4 hours to our destination in St Malo, Bretagne, France. It was the cutest little city, and it was walled in which made it ultra cool. Once we arrived we had time to eat lunch, where I ordered my first drink as a 21 year old: a flute of champagne. I had mussels to eat, and they were quite possible the best mussels I've ever had. After that the group met up to go on a walking tour of the city. We got to walk on top of the walls of the city, which provided us with the most amazing view of both the city and the ocean that surrounds it. After the wall-walk we ended up at the beach...and I can officially say that I've been in the English Channel. Woo! It was entirely too cold so I didn't swim, but a lot of people chose to take a dip. After the beach I went wandering with some friends and we ended back up at the hotel bar for my birthday drinks. We ordered a bottle of wine, and after that I had a mandarin mojito. After we had drinks we went to this mussels place and I had my second serving of mussels for the day, and some oysters as well. Dad, I followed your advice. I didn't eat the raw oysters, I asked them to steam them for me. They were a little under-done for my taste, but it was still a great time. After dinner I went to bed because we had to get up SUPER early to go to Normandy the next day.

So that brings me to today. We rode the bus to Normandy, and proceeded to head towards this beach that would take us to the Mont St Michel. Let me first describe the weather to you. It was about 50 degrees this morning, with random rain/drizzling and it was extremely overcast. Instead of canceling the walking tour, the ISA people and our professors decided to forward the weather and continue with the original plan of walking 4 miles to the castle like the pilgrims used to do. Well that would have been fine if it wasn't like -4 degrees in the water. Anyway, I'm going to quit whining. After our 2/3 hour trek across the salt flats, we made it to the church. And it was beautiful. I wish that I wasn't so tired so that I could have enjoyed it more. Anyway, so we walked around this amazing abbey for an hour or so and by that time I was so tired I could hardly stand. After the walking tour we went down to the bus and headed to our surprise of the day: a cookie tasting. By this point my stomach was severely irritated at me, so I didn't eat anything. However, I slept the entire way back to the hotel. Upon arrival we had just enough time to change and meet down in the lobby for dinner. We ate at this really cute restaurant, but again my stomach was icky so I just had a salad. The coolest part though was that Gabriel, the ISA leader of our group got the DJ to play "happy birthday" for me over the radio and bought me ice cream with a sparkler in it!!! I was so excited!!! It was the nicest birthday ever!

Now I'm sitting in a McDonald's (McDo) leeching free wifi and trying to upload all of my pictures from this weekend to my flickr. Everyone should check the pictures out to make it worth all the effort and time it takes me to do it!

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