Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5/25 part 2

Back again. Sitting in my room, sipping a (semi) limoncella martini, listening to the Antlers, and reflecting on the day. Everything here seems like it goes so slow, it’s like each day is never-ending. My family and I FINALLY found wi-fi, so pretty soon these entries will be transcribed from a notepad to the actual internet-blog. This afternoon, we bought tickets for a bus tour and rode it the whole way. We have now officially seen every monument that my tour guide says is worth seeing. Seriously though, everything is just majestic. I just have a hard time, being from a country with little historical depth, comprehending how freaking OLD this stuff is! Even going back through my photos is astounding. I feel like Rome and Paris will be the most historically-interesting parts of the trip…and I guess we’ll just have to see what London has to offer besides Ned’s Noodle Box!

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