Saturday, August 4, 2012

The First Week Back

So. I've been back at CIA's campus for a week now, and it's actually been pretty rough. I came back up here feeling more nervous than I was in May when I first started. As soon as I got here I promptly unpacked my suitcases and hid from everyone. I guess I always feel like people forget my brand of crazy, and that when they are reintroduced to it they react negatively and don't want to be around me as much I would like them to be. So I took preventative measures and stayed to myself for most of that day.

That, however, turned out to be a mistake. Since that day I've been alienating myself from the great friends that I had made up here. Yesterday evening was when I realized what I had been doing. I went to dinner with 14 people and ended up hardly wanting to talk to any of them. It wasn't anything that they had done, I just found myself behaving awkwardly in the group.

I ended up becoming quite upset with myself last night, because I have a pattern of this. I alienate people, and then get mad at them for not knowing what to do to make me feel better. In this way, I am very dumb. So what did I do to correct my behavior? I watched comic book movies! In the past 24 hours I have watched Captain America, Iron Man, and The Dark Knight Rises. I have found that retreating into the comic book world really does cure my depression. Today I am feeling much better. I've got a smile on my face, and I'm back to my regular antics.

So, the moral of this story is: do not assume that people don't like you, even if you are absolutely insane. Just be yourself, and whoever is there to laugh with you (and cry with you) is your true friend. Never assume that just because you haven't seen them in awhile that they feel any differently about you.

Second moral: watch comic book movies forever if you feel sad.


1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I assumed ppl didnt like me hence my crazy moment... Sry about that :( ... But yea i agree... And comic book movies r awesome :)
