Monday, February 11, 2013

Just another update!

Well, I've had another day off today and I got a lot done. I found a new doctor (to appease my mother's prescription-refill request for our new insurance company), I went grocery shopping (again), I cleaned the kitchen a little bit, worked on my externship manual, and I baked cheesecakes. You will not see pictures of them on here yet, as they aren't finished (I'm painting them to look like Sweehearts, the Valentine's Day candy). I'm sure after V-Day I'll have some for you guys. So far they're really cute!

I've been trying to keep up with the externship manual, but it keeps asking me to have really weird, potentially awkward conversations with my chef. For example: what is the history of the restaurant? Uh, I mean it could be interesting, but at the same time he could not know? Or not care? Idk. I think it's asking me to write an essay that's going to prove pretty pointless.

I talked to Mary today! She's my favorite. We were on Skype for an hour, being weird, being awesome, talking about externship, and about our classmates.

I've started to get this weird feeling in the pit of my I don't want to go back to school. So many people are right, that learning in the industry is the best (and most profitable) way to go about obtaining the knowledge it takes to be a chef, but at the same time, I'm excelling at school. I'm anxious about acquiring even more debt than I already have, but also I don't want to waste the money I've already spent by not obtaining the degree that I was originally pursuing. It's a tough decision. Currently, I still have plans to return to the Culinary, I just understand more now why so many people don't return from externship.

Anyway, sorry I have no pictures to post! I know that's so unlike me, but not having much time to take pictures is a daily reality. I'll most likely post some when we celebrate Daniel's birthday on Thursday.

Love you all!

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