Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Second Post: Chicken Picatta

(I know this makes two posts in a night, but I made dinner and wanted to post about it because I was very proud of my sauce!)

Tonight Colin had to work, but regardless I decided I would cook dinner. He suggested that I make a chicken picatta with fontina cheese (which is really out of character because the man can only make eggs!) but instead of including the cheese in my recipe I just made a regular chicken picatta and served it over fettucini. The recipe I have for the picatta is completely made up by me, just from tasting various picattas from Naples and other restaurants. Here it is:

1 package of thinly sliced chicken breasts
1 bottle of white cooking wine
lemon juice, to taste
white pepper, to taste
salt, to taste
1 jar of capers
2 tbs flour
4 tbs butter

I first make a roux, to assure that the sauce will be think enough. To make a roux I just melt butter in the bottom of a pan on low heat and then mix the flour into it until it's well blended. After the roux is made I add the entire bottle of white cooking wine and mix until the sauce is think. After this I add the lemon juice, pepper, salt, and capers. After the sauce has had time to simmer and reduce for a few minutes, I add the chicken breasts. This way the chicken can absorb all of the tartness of the sauce. After that I just cook the chicken until it's no longer pink and serve! I'm not sure if serving the picatta over fettucini is traditional or not, but I'm a pasta-holic and would like everything to come with it.

For our wine tonight, Colin discovered a red zinfandel called Zen of Zin. Even though a white wine would traditionally be paired with chicken, this particular zin is very tasty and didn't overpower the dish.

Yet another night with good wine and good food!

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