Friday, May 28, 2010

Fourth Post: Watermelon and Raspberry Fruit Salad

About a month (or two?) ago, Bailey and I met a French woman at Knoxville's only Creperie, The French Market. We had a very long discussion in French and at the end of it we gave her our email addresses and phone numbers in hopes of meeting again. Sure enough, Marie emailed us and asked for us to meet to have another lengthy french conversation. However, because I leave in 4 days for Paris I don't really have the time to meet! Regardless, Marie invited Bailey and me to a picnic on Saturday where everyone will be speaking french and eating french food. I'm so excited to go! I did some research and decided to make this salad.

1/4 watermelon
1 pckg raspberries
1 1/2 tbs rose water

Cut the rind off of the watermelon, and cube the fruit. Place in a container and sprinkle the top with the raspberries. Drizzle the rose water on top.

The recipe didn't call for lemon juice, but because watermelon is such a mild fruit and it makes up the majority of the salad, I added a sprinkle of it to cut through the watermelon-y taste.

I'm going to for sure post what I eat tomorrow! I'm very excited!

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