Monday, December 29, 2014


The bad/annoying news: Daniel and I have to move from our current apartment because the new company jacked the rental prices.

The good news: we found a new place! We will be paying less money per month, but we will also be living in a MUCH smaller place.

We're getting back to the basics (plus a few nifty things to make sure we don't have to get rid of everything we own), and that is okay. At first I was stressed, angry and overwhelmed by the idea of getting rid of things that I love, but now I am at peace with the notion. I have come to realize, through this situation and my perpetual struggle to make ends meet, that I don't need "stuff". I mean, I'm a realist, and I know that everyone needs "stuff", but not ALL of the stuff. I am learning to let go.

All I need is my life, my Daniel and a job that makes me happy. Fortunately, I have all of those things. The spare couch, my favorite table and chairs and the extra bathroom all take a back seat to the things that I value most: the things that don't cost any money.

Is this growing up? Realizing that the most important things are fueled by love instead of cash? I certainly hope so. This epiphany has made me feel damn good.

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