Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Direction.

Well, I've done it. I've finally found an externship site. I will be packing my bags and moving down to Atlanta, GA on January 20th. I will be working at Restaurant Eugene in Buckhead, and I will (hopefully) be living two buildings down with a friend of a friend.

While I definitely feel that my tumultuous journey has finally concluded, and that a large boulder of stress has been lifted from my shoulders, I will always remember these past few months as some of the worst (professionally) ever. I cannot believe how difficult it was for me to find a chef who would actually respond to my emails and be willing to work with me.

One day, I will be writing an article about this experience and hopefully shaming some of the restaurants that treated me poorly. Be nice to everyone, because you never know who you're going to meet. (Or whether or not they're willing to publish a document calling you out for your unprofessionalism.)

I'm sorry for how depressing my posts have been lately, I've just been having a rough time.

Anyway, we started IPP (Individual Pastry Production) on Monday, and I can already tell I'm in for an insane ride. We're producing so many things at such a fast pace, I can't wait to learn everything Chef Ballay has to teach me.

I'll post again soon!

Until then, here's a link to the restaurant I'll be externing at.

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