Wednesday, November 7, 2012

When one door closes...

My last post was a little negative. I do not apologize for it, instead I'm going to offer a glimmer of hope.

I am still extremely frustrated with the way a lot of chefs treat eager students, but it seems like I may have found at least a few people who are interested in sharing their knowledge.

I went to the career fair yesterday, and had an interview today with the Castle on the Hudson in Tarrytown, NY. I also have a stage/trail at Cafe Boulud in NYC on Friday. I'm excited to say that the Castle on the Hudson recruiter really liked me, said she could see my passion and leadership ability just from talking with me for half an hour. Unfortunately, the restaurant is going to be closed from January-March of next year, but she said if I can begin my externship in February instead of January I might have a place to work with the chef on menu development for the re-opening of Equus. Fortunately, that time also works for me, so I'm excited. I love menu development, it's turned out to be a lot of fun doing it for the past three weeks with Chef Walnock. I would love to help another chef out with the same process.

After my interview, I went to lunch, and then for coffee at Apple Pie. Professor Sessarego (the front-of-house manager of the Cafe) and I were having a casual conversation about my interview when he asked if I was interested in working at Maialino, a restaurant in the city. I told him, of course I would be, and he told me to send him my resume and a cover letter and he would forward them to his friends there. How lucky am I?

I would like to think that at least some of these developments are not related to luck, but to my passion and drive to succeed in any industry. I think the luck lies in the people I have met through this school, and who I have become friends with since I've been here. They all are so helpful and so motivating. They all want to see me succeed, and I feel the same way about each and every one of them.

So, I'm keeping my head up and chugging through this week. Only a few days until classes start back for me!

Also, here is a picture of mine and Daniel's RHPS costumes!

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