Friday, September 28, 2012

New Paltz is the Ultimate.

A few things:

Firstly, I finished fundamentals this week. It is definitely a bitter-sweet feeling. I was extremely fortunate that I got to work under Chef Walnock for these fifteen weeks. She has truly been an inspiration to me and all of my classmates. She has a great mentality about baking, and life in general. I love her attitude and her mannerisms.

Secondly, I was checking my schedule and I noticed that I am not scheduled for any classes between October 12 and November 19. I went to the registrar's office to confirm that I have three weeks off from school and then immediately went to my chef. I told her that, for three weeks, I will be pulling my fingernails out because I will be so bored and begged her to give me something to do. She said that she's going to be working on a new menu for American Bounty (one of the restaurants on campus) and that she could really use some help on Thursdays and Fridays. I told her I would love to play guinea pig/research assistant/whatever she needs for those three weeks. I guess for the rest of the days I'll be working doubles at Eveready. We'll see.

Thirdly, I want an apartment. Really badly. Not that I am not the most fortunate person EVER because my roommate really rocks, but I want my own bedroom, my own kitchen, my own bathroom, my own EVERYTHING. I want MY stuff to sleep on and around. Unfortunately, I am going to have to wait until after externship gets done in June to get an apartment. I'll be renting a place in Boston, but when I get back to Hyde Park I will hopefully find a few other people who want to live off campus.

Currently, I'm sitting in a coffee shop in New Paltz with Angela, Mary and Katy. We've been here for nearly two hours. I don't want to leave. So I'm going to get off fo here to hang out with them, but I'll update as soon as something else interesting happens!

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