Monday, July 9, 2012

Troubles at Home

So the trip to Knoxville was a success. Kindof. Kelsey and I wound up stuck in New Jersey for an inordinate amount of time, but we made it through. I did end up driving 9 hours in one day though. Anyway, enough complaining. I am now back in Knoxville.

The first night I was here, CJ had planned a surprise party for me during which all of my friends presented me with the various Miyazaki movies that I love! I couldn't be more stoked to have them in DVD form, as opposed to on my computer. I also got to eat a great meal for my first night back.

Yesterday, on the way to dinner I noticed that my car was making a roaring noise that I had never noticed before. This morning I took my car to my mechanic, and I just received a call from him this afternoon telling me that he suggests that I trade my car in. A wheel bearing has broken and it costs about half as much as my car is worth to fix it. He also mentioned that once one of them goes bad, they all start to. I'm waiting for my father to call me back with a verdict, but I fear that this may be the end of the Sub.

So, being stranded in Knoxville without a car is not necessarily a great experience, but upon reflection I realized that things could be much, much worse. As soon as I hear back from my Dad about my car I'll definitely be posting an entry about it. Until I hear anything I'll just be bumming rides and trying to pick up shifts in case I have to pay for a new car. I hope everyone else is doing well, and if you're near me, we should hang out!

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