Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Somewhere, here hidden, is a birthday song.

So as most of you know, my birthday is the most important day of the year for EVERYONE. That's not true, I just really like to celebrate birthdays, and mine especially. I feel like I spend so much time every day trying to make my friends and family happy that I should get just one day (or three months...) to celebrate myself. I want people to try to make me happy too!

Anyway, to touch upon the level of awesomeness of my new friends in Hyde Park, I had the best birthday of my entire life this past weekend. My girls and I went dancing on Saturday, then on Sunday both the culinary and baking students combined forces to cook an amazing dinner. Someone even purchased party hats and a really sweet cupcake centerpiece for the table. I also received two of my birthday cakes that evening. After everyone sang happy birthday to me, I realized something: I fit in here. I actually, finally, feel like I belong somewhere. Everyone I have met up here (with a scant few exceptions...) is so genuine, giving, caring, loving, good natured....just really awesome individuals. We all come from such diverse backgrounds, but we have all allowed ourselves to be guided by a passion for food; and maybe even deeper than that, a passion for making others happy. It's so obvious to me that I've chosen the right path for my life after bonding so quickly with the people in this group. I have made life-long friends, and I know that now.

Anyway, yesterday was equally awesome! We did a huge family picnic and played in the sun for a few hours, then all of the baking kids got together and went to dinner at a restaurant called Crew in Hyde Park. My friend Kelsey surprised me and bought my dinner and wine, then a few of us returned to my room to watch Harry Potter and look at stupid pictures on the internet. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday weekend.

So now as I return to real life, I'm back to piping loops and rosettes, and trying to form Chef Shorner-quality marzipan roses. I couldn't be happier. I love everything about this experience, and I want everyone that is here with me to know that I love you. I really really do. I couldn't ask for a better group of people to share this adventure with. To all of you back home: thanks so much for your continued support and love! It's really pushing me to be the best I can be!

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