Friday, April 19, 2013

Comfortably Uncomfortable.

Coming back to Restaurant Eugene after the Masters has been difficult. I've only worked twice this week, and, honestly, that might be the problem. What is down time? What do I do with it? How do I balance real life with work? I feel dumb reacting like this after only a week, but I just feel...strange. 

Currently, I am being a terrible girlfriend. I can't seem to act normally, regardless of the situation. I got used to maybe two phone calls a day from someone outside of my immediate vicinity, and after a week of that, I forgot how to balance work with my personal life. I'm trying really really hard, but I feel like I'm being distant. I'm not trying to be, I just don't feel like myself yet.

This sensation has left me to wonder: do all cooks/chefs feel like this? Is there a disconnect with the rest of the world for our entire career? I mean, having a completely opposite schedule from everyone is fun to brag about while we're young, but what about if we want to start a family? How do you tell your little one that you can take them to school, but you will never be around to pick them up or tuck them in at night? (Not that I am even remotely interested in having children right now, but what if I decide to later on?) Don't get me wrong, I love this lifestyle. It makes me feel strong, and included by a group of people who have worked very hard for very long. I love this crowd, I love these people, I love my work. I'm simply asking myself reasonable, adult questions that everyone should consider before they make important life decisions. 

I have to decide, fairly quickly, whether or not I am willing to deal with being comfortable while remaining slightly (if not more) uncomfortable for many years to come. 

And now here's a video of an adorable otter.

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