Monday, May 20, 2013


On days like this, where I am unbelievably frustrated and antsy, I try to remember the positive things I have done since I moved to Atlanta. I've made a list, and I will share it with all of you.
  1. I moved to a new city without much of an idea of where to live.
  2. I found an apartment for Daniel and me all by myself.
  3. I took a job at a restaurant I had never been to, working with people I had never met or heard of.
  4. I haven't had a panic attack in nearly five months.
  5. I stood strong and worked hard through the toughest workweek of my life (for 110 hours).
  6. I have maintained a relatively positive attitude and outlook through this entire experience, even though I have been sick, mistreated, and stressed.
  7. I finished my externship manual extremely early.
  8. I have struggled through adversity that I didn't think was still a major issue, and now I am more aware of the battle I will be fighting for the rest of my career.
  9. I have learned things, tons of things.
  10. I am continuously realizing that I am stronger than I thought I was, and that I can be just as tough as the people I work with.
Today is a rough day, and it has barely even started. I am currently living in a situation that I damn near despise; being expected to clean like a maid FOR FREE, pay unexpected bills for a service I barely use, and most of all maintain a household full of nasty college boys, all while trying to get enough sleep over the screaming of drunk girls in my living room and loud upstairs neighbors that may or may not constantly be playing DDR. I'm ready for a change.

At any other point in my life, I would make the change. I would never stand for any of this as my normal self, but right now it isn't worth it. I can see the light at the end of this twisted, confusing, dark tunnel. Eleven days you guys, all I have is eleven days left. I can do this.